It’s not hard to figure out what the results will be for “iLL Behavior.” When CID and Mednas newest single gets played, you can be sure people will be getting down on some crazy activities. When you have a swinging house jam that has the recognizable A.D.O.R. vocal from Wildchild’s “Renegade Master,” you have yourself quite a concoction for a big track, one that was certainly big enough for Size Records to release. At least from where I am looking, this sound hasn’t been too common lately, so it is nice to hear this funky style from a big label. Let’s hope that CID and Mednas will start a trend taking house music back to when people gave their songs some character. Even if you have formulaic structures, a Pryda snare, and a verbal drop, you can still make a dope piece of music. It’s not always what you do, it’s how you do it. And these East coasters did it well!
Source: youredm.com